Friday, December 28, 2007

CELEBRATE WITH US! 2nd Anniversary Soiree

Proyecto Latina is brewing a wonderful celebration event for the night of Saturday, January 19th. Stay tuned for a lovely and talented lineup--a best of Proyecto Latina features from the past two years. We are grateful to the help of our friends at Radio Art and Junior's Sports Bar.

Its a night to put your pen and papelitos away, and instead whip out your dancing shoes, and open up to inspiration. Proyecto Latina invites you to join us and celebrate our 2nd Anniversary on Saturday, January 19th 2008 at Junior's Sports Bar, 2058 W. Cermak Rd. (In Pilsen and a couple of blocks away from Tianguis.) We're bringing back highlights--crowd favorites of course--from our past features list to help us mark this wonderful occassion with amazing words, music and dancing. And we are super excited to cap the night off with two Proyecto Latina newcomers our two featured DJ's to put more groove in our night: La Primitiva and Spacerwoman.*

We get started at 7 p.m. Free admission and antojitos (while they last).

Silvia Rivera Amanda Torres
Wendy (Gwen) Vargas

The Luna Blues Machine

La Primitiva Spacerwoman

We owe a very BIG thanks to Radio Arte and Junior's Sports Bar.

*No open mic for this January event. We will be bring back the open mic with the February edition of Proyecto Latina.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Featured titles to help fulfill your gift needs

A thoughtfully selected book can add meaning to your gifts, take it to the next level and turn it into a keepsake by personalizing it with a short note, the finishing touch--a bookmark of course.

Below is our list of recommended titles that we know make ideal gifts, and which can all be found on our bookshelves:

Bless Me Ultima is our current bookclub selection, its a coming-of-age story appropriate for adults and young readers:

Ask A Mexican will draw in even the most hesitant reader on your list. We still have autographed copies available.

The Alchemist Chances are people who read this books got it as a gift and there is a high probability rate that they go on to share the gift with others.

More suggestions:

from l to r: Once Upon a Quinceanera by Julia Alvarez
Lucha Libre: The Man in the Silver Mask,
a bilingual cuento by Xavier Garza

I will never forget you: Frida Kahlo and Nickolas Murray

by Salomon Grimberg

from l to r: Nahui Olin by Adriana Malvido;
Las Soldaderas: Women of the Mexican Revolution by Elena Poniatowska

from l to r: Revolucion!: Cuban Poster Art by Lincoln Cushing
Mexican Calendar Girls by Angela Villalba

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

submission call:new anthology focus on Mexican/Chicanos in Chicago and Midwest

Call for submissions for new anthology focusing on Mexicans/ Chicanos in Chicago and the Midwest.

Edited by: María A. Beltrán-Vocal, Paul Martínez Pompa,
and Irasema González

  • Abstract: This anthology explores the experience of Mexicans/Chicanos in Chicago and the Midwest through their writing. By telling the stories of Chicano lives’, we create history and provide a foundation for those attempting to understand the needs and experiences of Chicanos. We also provide direction for self-empowerment.
  • The purpose of this book is to record the social, cultural, political, literary experience of Chicanos/Mexicans from their own voice and perspective. This anthology will provide writers and scholars with first hand experience and perspective of Mexicans in Chicago and the Midwest. This anthology will provide Mexicans/Chicanos with the opportunity to explore the presence of Mexicans in Chicago and the Midwest from the end of the XIXth century to today. The writings will allow the reader to view the experience of workers in the railroads, the mills, and the activism of Mexicans in the sixties and seventies to the immigration marches in the XX1st centuries. These writings will give a new perspective of the presence and contributions of Mexicans in Chicago and the Midwest. It will examine the hardships, the struggles and triumphs of Chicanos/Mexicans and how their struggle has changed their perspective of life, politics, activism, education, and gender roles. We are accepting submissions in the forms of essay, poetry, short story, oral histories/testimonies, and autobiographies.
  • Postmarked deadline for submissions is Saturday, March 22nd, 2008.

  • Two hard copies of the article, including endnotes and bibliography

§ Submissions should be double spaced, follow MLA format and must not exceed 20 pages.

§ Poets may submit up to five poems

§ Writers may submit up to two short stories no longer than 20 pages

§ Autobiography/testimony, creative, non-fiction/memoir no longer than 20 pages

§ All contributors must submit a brief biography and professional affiliation.

Please send submissions to:

María A. Beltrán-Vocal
Department of Modern Languages
DePaul University

802 West Belden Ave.

Chicago, IL 60614

(773)325-7000 ext. 51866