Monday, February 18, 2008


Due to significant street closings along 18th street we will be holding February's Proyecto Latina--THAT'S TONIGHT!--at Tianguis, 2003 S. Damen.

Join us this President's Day, Monday, February 18th @ 7 p.m. Proyecto Latina's open mic series resumes after a brief winter break and 2nd anniversary celebration--we're back with amazing features, an open mic and everyone's favorite the chisme box.

This month's feature is Elizabeth (Liz) Sandoval. An amazing writer and performer. You can learn more about her here and find a link to hear a sample of her work here.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Proyecto Latina & Palabra Pura, both in Pilsen this February

Proyecto Latina
Remember to join us this President's Day, Monday, February 18th @ 7 p.m. Proyecto Latina's open mic series resumes after a brief winter break and 2nd anniversary celebration--we're back with amazing features, an open mic and everyone's favorite the chisme box.

We have new things in the works with Proyecto Latina, including an awesome lineup of featured talent for the new year, art shows and a radio show! Stay tuned we will share details as they become available.

We will now be gathering at a new venue to better accommodate everyone: Radio Arte, 1401 W. 18th Street (On the corner of 18th and Blue Island. Across the street from the Lozano Library).

This month's feature:

Elizabeth (Liz) Sandoval
is a Chicago-born writer/performer who's lived most of her life in Los Angeles--and has made her way back home to Chicago! You can get her full bio here, and you can get a preview of her work a humorous
Valentine's piece on unrequited love--that aired on Chicago Public Radio last night here.

Palabra Pura
Wednesday, February 20th @ 8 p.m.
Palabra Pura is touring into Pilsen this month and holding its open mic at Decima Musa, 1901 S. Loomis. Their February features are Tim Hernandez from Boulder, CO, he will read from his book, Skin Tax, which won the American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation. Tim will read with Stephanie Gentry-Fernandez, who will just be completing her performance in the sold-out play Machos by Teatro Luna.

Lisa Alvarado has posted all the wonderful details on Tim and Stephanie over at La Bloga.

Friday, February 8, 2008

High wow factor for Momotombo's new release

Aaron Michael Morales is the author of From here you can almost see the end of the desert, the newest title from Momotombo Press.

When the box of Aaron's new book arrived, I promptly grabbed a copy and read it. When I was done reading it, I raved to anyone who would listen about the amazing writing I had just encountered. Actually, I've revisited Aaron's book and I still find myself wondering about his characters.

I'm not the only one that felt this way, Luis Alberto Urrea gives Aaron's work an eloquent thumbs-up in the introduction, and there is even more praise by Helena MarĂ­a Viramontes on the back cover of this chapbook.

The book is available and on sale at Tianguis. You can swing by the store to pick it up or if you are outside our area you can order it online or by phone.

Even better, Aaron will be joining us at Tianguis, 2003 S. Damen, Chicago, for an author reading on Saturday, February 23rd @ 2 p.m. Space is limited and RSVP is not required but recommended. Its a wonderful opportunity where Aaron will personally share his stories and characters with everyone.