Three postcards to pick from, take some home, keep them around for when you need to write to a special friend or to frame and enjoy as art. On sale now@ Tianguis now.
To celebrate Naomi and her monstritos are scheduled to take Tianguis by storm--we will be hosting a special presentation of Naomi's artwork. Make sure to join us:
Friday, April 13th
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Held @ Tianguis, 2003 S. Damen
Naomi Martinez was born in 1977 and is an all-natural Chicago grown Xicana artist. Her interest in art began in high school with her discovery of her local graffiti art scene and the Mexican social muralist movement of her father’s native land. She learned painting and pottery skills as an Apprentice Artist at Gallery 37 with the Marwen Foundation. She later enrolled at Columbia College Chicago for acting and photography but with no major in mind soon dropped out. After her college experience she became a road trip enthusiast and even had a brief stint as a poet and Rock en Espanol band singer. She revisited painting and aerosol art in 2000. More recently she has designed and hand sewn Monstrochika pouches and stuffed monstros while completing volume one of Monstrochika Comix. She has also collaborated with other local women graffiti artists on various murals around the Chicago. Naomi is inspired by both nature and metropolis, graffiti, comics, her childhood in the city and her pets. She is currently a legal secretary by day and Monstro Factory worker by night. Visit Naomi's myspace.