Tuesday, August 26, 2008


IMMIGRANT NATION: A human rights struggle for the new millennium is searching for spoken word poets for an independent upcoming documentary about the immigration movement. If you are a spoken word poet who has a piece about the immigration movement and are interested in being part of the independent documentary, we will be having auditions on September 5th-12th. Spoken word pieces will be used as a form of artistic involvement within the immigration movement. If you are unable to attend please submit a video link with your spoken word performance to immigrantnation08@gmail.com and a copy of your poem.

When: September 5th or September 12th

Where: Radioarte 90.5 FM corner of 18th street and Blue Island

Time: 4pm-7pm

If you are planning to attend please e-mail your name, title of piece, copy of poem, length of performance, and schedule time and date to immigrantnation08@gmail.com, Subject Title: AUDITION. Please be prepared to perform your piece in front of a camera.

If you would like more information please send your questions to immigrantnation08@gmail.com, Subject Title: QUESTION.

This is an independent community production so any assistance and contribution would be greatly appreciated. We need to create our own history and work as a community.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

8.23.08: Defenders of Earth

I'll be learning about energy healing on Saturday afternoon, but after we close shop on Saturday I will be heading to the Defenders of Earth Art show and Benefit.

We thought we should let all Montrochika fans know that Naomi Martinez--creator of all things Monstrochika and whose items can sometimes be found at Tianguis--has been working hard on this fundraiser for Connections for Abused women and their children. Naomi says, "Join us for an evening of good beats and urban art by various female artists coming together for a serious cause." Its a good opportunity to see what Naomi has been working on and check out the arts and crafts of some artist friends. Details below.

Al Son Que Me Toques Lorca

Al Son Que Me Toques, Lorca opened at the Goodman's Latino Theater Festival and is now playing through Aug. 31 at the Raven Theater, 6157 N. Clark St.

A musical allegory of Lorca's famous tragedy Blood Wedding, set in the colorful state of Veracruz, México. The poetry and passion of Lorca's classic Blood Wedding (Bodas de Sangre) is relocated from the picturesque realm of rural Spain to the vibrant and colorful world of Veracruz, México. Adapted and directed by Laura Crotte, a Teatro Vista member, Al son que me toques, Lorca is performed in Spanish. With traditional music and dance, this inspired adaptation emanates the energy and spirit of Veracruz, while remaining loyal to Lorca's famous tragedy. A Flor De Piel and former members of Sones de México provide the music.


Jueves y Viernes 8 pm
Sabados 7 pm y Domingos 6 pm

Entrada General $ 25.00
Estudiantes y Adultos Mayores $ 15.00
Grupos de más de 10 personas $ 10.00



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Congratulations Paul...

I got news a few days back that Paul Martinez-Pompa won the 2008 Andrés Montoya Poetry Prize. Kudos to Paul.

You can read more about Paul at the Latino Poetry Review the blog for Letras Latinas. There is an announcement of the prize that includes some words from this year's judge Martin Espada, and also a second entry with links to two interviews with Paul.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"jarred" in the most pleasant way

If Tianguis was the bookstore I always wanted to walk into then Teatro Luna was the theatre company that I always wanted to find--and I thank my lucky stars that Tanya Saracho and Coya Paz found each other and then founded it. Its been a love affair for me since I first discovered Teatro Luna when I saw Generic Latina about seven years ago.

I went to see the reading for Jarred last night, its Teatro Luna's next productions--due to open this fall--and part of this years Latino Theatre Festival at the Goodman.

I was left "jarred"(in the most pleasant way). I can't wait for this production to open. Mark your calendars.

Jarred opens November 6th and I'm sure details will soon be posted at the Teatro Luna website soon.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Healing through Novelas

Nothing like the word novela to pique my interest: I love to read them and watch them. Naturally its what caught my eye when I first heard about the radio and teatro novelas that Latinos Progresando and Radio Arte are working for their project SALUD, healing through the arts showcase. Some folks working on this project were in the store today and I got to hear snippets of the music that is part of the production, it was a pretty original and diverse selection. So, I'm definitely making plans to attend--that and I've seen Ricardo Gamboa's work before and I can't wait to see what he's whipping up this time around. Its this Friday, details below...


I'm copying and pasting a portion of Ricky Gamboa's note on facebook, because I think he describes this Friday's production best...

"Since June 30, I have worked with 22 youth under the auspices of Teatro Americano of Latinos Progresando to create the premiere of a telenovela for the stage--a teatronovela--complete with commercials.

I brought my protege, Steven Beaudion, to the Monkeys and I kept him on my street team as my co-instructor and got Sadie Woods--if you know anything about nightlife beyond kiddie crack deejays at a billy dec club, you should know about her--she is deejaying all original compositions for the show.

The show is truly amazing and I cannot begin to even tell you the journey that me and these young people have been through, or at least not until the talkbalk. But I will tell you, there is acting talent on that stage from young people that rivals some of the most notable performers in the city and guest appearances from a doped up Hannah Montana and the debut of Border Runner Kicks--"the shoes to give immigrants a step up on border patrol." And like in all telenovelas: You will laugh. You will cry. You will want more. Seriously, its like going to see an awesome play in the city except actually relevant."


Healing Through the Arts Showcase

Friday, August 15th, 2008
5 p.m.-8 p.m.

Held at National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W 19th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60608

Forty of SALUD's vibrant and enthusiastic youth performers will showcase weeks of preparation and collaboration with original radionovelas and teatronovelas about immigration, health, and where the two topics converge. This free event will take place at the National Museum of Mexican Art on Friday, August 15th. Museum galleries and information booths hosted by local health- and youth-focused organizations will be open prior to the performance from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Food and beverages will be provided.

Please contact Melissa Gonzalez at 312.850.0572 or melissa@latinospro.org with any questions or concerns.

Friday, August 8, 2008

My neighbor's freedom project

"Degrees of Freedom is a term used in statistics to describe how far a number is from the average; to describe how weird or how abnormal its placement is. There is freedom in not being afraid to be different. There is freedom in creativity. There is freedom in a life that does not fit inside of a box that goes beyond borders." --Angel Nava, The Degrees of Freedom Project

I'll be checking out the final exhibition for the Degrees of Freedom project this Saturday, August 9th. My wonderful neighbor Angel Nava has been sharing tid-bits about her work with me whenever she stops in to get an ice tea or say hello. And its all so intriguing to me, she's even brought her mom into town to help her build life-like cardboard appliances and other neat sculptures for the 700 square foot community maze that is part of this project.

What I appreciate most about Angel's art is its beauty and oozing optimism (have you seen the "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" piece that is currently residing in the back wall of our store?*), but my favorite part about Angle's art is the LARGE scale with which she does most pieces.

I'll be quick to close shop tomorrow afternoon because I'll be making my way down to the Degrees of Freedom project to catch it in its final hour.

Saturday, August 9, 2008 from NOON-6P.M.
The People's Music School Street Festival
931 W. Eastwood Ave.
Free family event.

More info: www.degreesoffreedomproject.com

*pictures coming soon.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Journey in Nichos

This past July 17th, Esmeralda Baltazar's farewell show, Paloma Libre in the Windy City, opened at Tianguis. This art show marks the end of Esmeralda's journey through Chicago and each nicho is representative of key moments of her life here. We were honored to have the opportunity to display Esmeralda's nichos which feature her trademark use of Homies.

You can learn more about Esmeralda and the show in this article that appeared in Extra News.

The show will run through August 17th. For the store schedule, check our website.


"As a passionate collector of homies and a Chicana homie I have placed them in a position of artist, activist and/or educator, in order to remember my experience of leaving my own barrio. This series commemorates the learning opportunities and experiences the city of Chicago has offered me as a Chicana."
-Esmeralda Baltazar

Esmeralda Baltazar moved to Chicago from San Antonio Texas to study at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she received a Bachelors in Fine Arts with a concentration in Art Education. Chicago has been her home for the past seven years and is the place where she has been able to establish her identity as an artist, educator and activist. She is the co-founder of the community-based organization, the Crib Collective, located in North Lawndale and Little Village that develops young people as leaders in their community. After six years of developing a youth leadership organization she is leaving Chicago for graduate studies at New York University to continue and further develop her work in Chicago.