Friday, August 8, 2008

My neighbor's freedom project

"Degrees of Freedom is a term used in statistics to describe how far a number is from the average; to describe how weird or how abnormal its placement is. There is freedom in not being afraid to be different. There is freedom in creativity. There is freedom in a life that does not fit inside of a box that goes beyond borders." --Angel Nava, The Degrees of Freedom Project

I'll be checking out the final exhibition for the Degrees of Freedom project this Saturday, August 9th. My wonderful neighbor Angel Nava has been sharing tid-bits about her work with me whenever she stops in to get an ice tea or say hello. And its all so intriguing to me, she's even brought her mom into town to help her build life-like cardboard appliances and other neat sculptures for the 700 square foot community maze that is part of this project.

What I appreciate most about Angel's art is its beauty and oozing optimism (have you seen the "when life gives you lemons make lemonade" piece that is currently residing in the back wall of our store?*), but my favorite part about Angle's art is the LARGE scale with which she does most pieces.

I'll be quick to close shop tomorrow afternoon because I'll be making my way down to the Degrees of Freedom project to catch it in its final hour.

Saturday, August 9, 2008 from NOON-6P.M.
The People's Music School Street Festival
931 W. Eastwood Ave.
Free family event.

More info:

*pictures coming soon.

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