Tuesday, August 26, 2008


IMMIGRANT NATION: A human rights struggle for the new millennium is searching for spoken word poets for an independent upcoming documentary about the immigration movement. If you are a spoken word poet who has a piece about the immigration movement and are interested in being part of the independent documentary, we will be having auditions on September 5th-12th. Spoken word pieces will be used as a form of artistic involvement within the immigration movement. If you are unable to attend please submit a video link with your spoken word performance to immigrantnation08@gmail.com and a copy of your poem.

When: September 5th or September 12th

Where: Radioarte 90.5 FM corner of 18th street and Blue Island

Time: 4pm-7pm

If you are planning to attend please e-mail your name, title of piece, copy of poem, length of performance, and schedule time and date to immigrantnation08@gmail.com, Subject Title: AUDITION. Please be prepared to perform your piece in front of a camera.

If you would like more information please send your questions to immigrantnation08@gmail.com, Subject Title: QUESTION.

This is an independent community production so any assistance and contribution would be greatly appreciated. We need to create our own history and work as a community.

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